Bátor és kiváncsi amerikaiak összehasonlították a Danley Jericho JH-90 hangfalat egy Meyer Mina line array-vel. A tapasztalatot a tesztet szervező úriember megosztota egy amerikai pro audio fórum közösségével. A tesztelést szervező és végző úriember eléggé elkötelezett Danley hívőnek látszik, így a véleményét talán érdemes némi fenntartással kezelni, mindazonáltal tanulságos és tanulságosak a reakciók is mások részéről. Néhány idézet a leírtakból: “….We took 1 Jericho and pounded 16 Mina line array cabs with 6 of Meyer’s 2×12 subs into powder. Clarity, SPL, and sheer throttle-up ability all went to the Jericho. Hands down, It was not even a fair fight…. through the Jericho you could hear the snare wires rattling on the bottom of the head…. All I know is I have heard the Jericho multiple times, and it sounds like a big huge reference monitor. A lot like a set of Westlake in-walls…. You can turn the Jericho up to only 80db, and there is this wonderful depth to the sound that is clear, clean, and very three-dimensional. Even a single box almost sounds stereo. It sounded the same at any volume…. let’s look at cost for this application. The Meyer system was roughly $135K with dsp, etc. The Danley system, roughly $75k with amps, dsp, etc… it is absolutely stunning. The most amazing thing is that it sounds huge at low volumes, and even a single box has so much detail that it sounds somewhat stereo. And it sounds the same at ANY volume. As it gets louder, it stays sweet. The JH-90 is $25K. But, when you see what it can do and/or replace, it is a downright bargain. Danley advertises it as the ”World’s largets studio reference monitor”. And you know what?….it is! ”
Írta: pennamedia
Danley Jericho JH-90 vs Meyer Mina line array
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