Zu / SL 1200 lemezjátszó
Nem is érdemes hozzáfűzni további kommentárt azt hiszem, ha valami tökéletesen illeszkedni fog a Zu ideológiával és technológiával átépített Denon DL-103 alapú hangszedőjéhez, akkor az biztosan egy Technics SL1200 alapú lemezjátszó lesz.
“Technics SL-1200, incorporating a massive Zu engineered and precision machined from billet 6061 armboard that is mounted directly into the composite core of the SL-1200— constraining the top plinth. Armboard is machined and engineered for any Rega tonearm (accepts all, including the three point mounts).
Stock tonearm assembly is removed and replaced with Zu / SL-1200 Armboard / RegaDeck core is machined and taped to accept new armboard. Top plinth is reworked and encased in composite damping. Encapsulated top plinth is primed, painted, hand cut and polished.
(Option)1.5” (3.8cm) thick billet aluminum armboard installed (machined to accept all Rega arms).
New armboard sandwiches top aluminum/composite plinth with composite core.
Platter is damped with clear ester based epoxy of medium durometer.
Customer can spec color preference, though it is the bottom side that has the art…Upon request, pitch control is removed from circuit and deck.
Upon request, popup light assembly is removed from deck.Ringly-jingly bits and pieces are removed or secured in plinth.Platter / top-half of motor is balanced. Transformer is removed from deck (with KAB PS-1200GX outboard power supply option).
Zu umbilical cabled.”
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