
Írta: pennamedia

Kodachrome film nyersanyag teszt - 1922-ből

Mint egy időutazás... Mit is lehetne hozzátenni, inkább csak nézni kell.

Persze azért a mai fórumozós, blogozós korszakban még az is kiderülhetett, hogy nem is Kodachrome a nyersanyag, hiszen azt csak valamikor 1928 körül találták ki. :). Idézet a boingboing.net blogról:

Jim O'Connell#12 • 8:06 AM Tuesday, Aug 24, 2010 • Reply

#2 - Alex, you're partly correct - it's an early two-color Kodachrome process that's different from the recently-departed stuff we think of as Kodachrome.

The big difference is that this stuff isn't reversal film, it was shot on B&W negative film, using two cameras like you described, but then combined, but not by projection, by printing the colors onto film:

"The Two-Color Kodachrome Process was an attempt to bring natural lifelike colors to the screen through the photochemical method in a subtractive color system. First tests on the Two-Color Kodachrome Process were begun in late 1914. Shot with a dual-lens camera, the process recorded filtered images on black/white negative stock, then made black/white separation positives. The final prints were actually produced by bleaching and tanning a double-coated duplicate negative (made from the positive separations), then dyeing the emulsion green/blue on one side and red on the other. Combined they created a rather ethereal palette of hues.""

So, yes, but no, though more like something in between. ;-)

Olyan ez a filmecske, mint gramofon lemezeket hallgatni, azokban is van valami közvetlenség, amit a sokkal modernebb digitális felvételek sem tudnak megőrizni egy digitalizálás után. Milyen lehetne ezeket a képkockákat korabeli vetítéssel nézni? :)

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: kodak 1922 kodachrome

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